spencer pope
  • description: automation tool for syncing WordPress data between environments via Github Actions
    • backup and sync MySQL database with the option to skip tables
    • sync directories in /wp-content
    • clear cache in target environment
    • encrypt/compress artifacts (backups and migrations) and push to git
  • documentation
  • github
  • example implementations:
  • architecture:
  • next steps:
    • continue iterating and hardening
    • the wp-content data should be backed up too
    • the Content Segmentation step isn't finding a "diff" of the two databases. It's importing the whole source database into the target, causing loads, redundancy, and unnecessary bloat in the migration files. It should use a more sophisticated diffing process
    • it's not meant for bidirectional usage right now. it assumes the lower environments' installations are nested in that of the production environment. theoretically, syncing staging to development would work, but production to staging would not. need to optimize this logic, as syncing production with lower environments could be useful, though it is outside of the project's original scope
    • share the love with BitBucket and GitLab someday
  • Visit this page for a demo of this project.